Blog Graffiti: 2009 Kickoff Edition

Sunday, January 04, 2009 2:04 PM

Random thoughts to get 2009 off to a blogging good start:

Will this be the year RSS sees wide mainstream consumer adoption? Check out Louis Gray's post on the death of the bookmark for more.

Look for more widespread use of video in corporate communications efforts this year. Despite the ever-present knock of death at their door, GM's Christopher Barger and Ford's Scott Monty seem to be leading the way.

Talk about air cover: Dell's Andy Lark uncovers a flow chart of how the U.S. Air Force responds to posts and comments in the blogosphere.

According to The Peronsal Branding Blog's Dan Schwabel, who you know will be as -- if not more -- important than what you know in 2009.

Will our children know what a newspaper was? Not if the trends found in a recent study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press continue. According to the Pew study, 59% of Americans under the age of 30 say they get the majority of their news from the Internet, up from 34% in 2007.

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Scott Monty said...

"Knock of death"? I must've been away for that one. Ford didn't need or accept any federal funding. We're happy that our U.S. counterparts have gotten some assistance, and we remain focused on pushing into 2009 with our continued transformation.

Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company

ManeyDigital said...

A generalization on overall auto industry. Apologies for not acknowledging Ford's position on funding (I am aware of it). You and Christopher are doing good work in a tough situation.

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